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Project: East Street
We're so proud of our design for East Street in Barking, with F&B at its heart whilst providing much needed new homes

Studio: ACAN Circular Series - Stage 7
In the penultimate of this series where incorporate circularity in UK construction in a meaningful way

Project: Barbican
A sneak peak at photographer Rob Parrish capturing the finished site at Barbican. Press release soon!

Studio: Net Zero - Where to Start?
We joined this insightful seminar hosted by Greengage and Trowers & Hamlins, untangling where to begin to reach Net Zero by 2050 initiatives

Project: Good Housekeeping
Work is truly underway at this iconic publishing house, we're looknig forward to sharing more in the coming weeks

Studio: ACAN - Circular Series
Continuing through the RIBA Plan of Works, this week focussing on addressing the key challenges and opportunities within Stage 4...

Project: New Cross & Empire Heights
We were excited to host a kick off meeting for these exciting developments in South East London

Studio: Bitesize BIM Series
Next in this four part series we discussed SMART buildings and utilising data and energy monitoring

Studio: Friday Shares - East Street
We've introduced a "Friday Shares" discussion group in the studio, this month focussing on the recent East Street planning submission

Project: East Street
We've submitted our planning proposal for our mixed-use development in Barking

Project: Good Housekeeping
Renovation works started this week - we will be capturing our progress througout this exciting interior fit out

Studio: Bitesize BIM Series
We joined the first of four in this interesting series exploring the of use buildings as material banks and ensuring value in a BIM approach

Studio: ACAN: Circular Series
We really enjoyed tuning in to "Circular Series", a monthly offering hosted by ACAN, discussing applying circular economy principles to...

Project: Barbican
We were so excited to see the new, custom and beautifully designed seats installed as part of our Barbican refurbishment – we're almost...

Project: Good Housekeeping
We’re thrilled to announce that we are working with Hearst Publishing on their refurbishment of the iconic Good Housekeeping offices...

Project: Delta Point
We're working on a Fabric First approach, significant refurbishment and extension to this prominent 14 Storey Building, with a...

Project: Birchwood
We're thrilled to have Birchwood featured in AJ's RetroFirst Stories series

Project: Delta Point and Batman
Delta point was one of the filming locations for the Dark Knight Rises, appearing as Gotham City Hospital. We're excited to be part of...

Project: Barbican
The custom designed lightbox signage - Our barbican renovation is almost complete!

Project: Lion Green Road
A beautiful brick panel sample from our Lion Green Road site visit this week

Project: Barbican
LED lights that will sit behind the custom lightboxes within the newly renovated Barbican Cinemas Foyer
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